SQL Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
FROM album_cate
WHERE ac_lang = 'tc' AND ac_id =
F.M.B. Chun Lei Primary School

SQL Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
SELECT * from album_cate where ac_lang = 'tc' and ac_id =

24-25 聖誕崇拜

24-25 隆亨幼兒學校聖誕感恩嘉年華

24-25 朗誦匯演

24-25 P.5學生團契

24-25 P.1-3 資訊素養教育<齊享健康資訊>話劇表演

24-25 P.2 家加幸福 感恩有你

24-25 P.1-3 學校旅行

24-25 P.4-6 學校旅行

2425 STEAM 氣墊船比賽

24-25 P.1-2 惜食減廢講座

24-25 數學科 P.1 趣味工作坊

24-25 P4-6 檢驗視力及配眼鏡活動